Belgian Food & Beverage industry
Few sectors have been impacted more than the food and beverage sector. What opportunities do these dynamics bring to the industry? And what roles can investors play?
Can Europe meet the demand for 940 GWh battery capacity by 2030?
By 2030, the global Li-ion battery demand will be between 3.100 and 4.700 GWh, up from 701 GWh in 2024. By then, 20% (940 GWh) of the world’s demand for Li-ion batteries is expected to come from Europe.
The best is yet to come for PE’s?
In Europe, the invested amount in unlisted companies almost doubled in Q2, but Belgium seems to be lagging.
Can we expect to see a rush on deals by year-end? Or is there another explanation?
PE secondaries booming in 2023? Reculer pour mieux sauter
NX Elicit’s commercial, cultural, and innovation due diligence capability (re)validates your (initial) investment hypothesis. For this, we look at changes in the market, the USP of the target product or service, and assess the target’s change in culture and innovation potential.
VC and PE players seek refuge in the secondaries market to compensate for the dramatic decline in exit values. Such a strategy demands the same scrutiny as a primary investment; it is essential to reassess the underlying investment rationale.
The Fraud Triangle : the why and how of Fraud
The past has shown that turbulent times have increased the risk of fraud. Economic uncertainty triggers people to move cash out of the organization for personal gain.
Why you shouldn’t settle for less than 100% visibility into your liquidity
Liquidity is the lifeblood of any business. And yet just 1 out of 8 companies have extensive visibility into its current cash position.