Spreadsheets are a powerful tool in the hands of competent professionals. Yet they are not sufficient to stay ahead in rapidly changing & increasingly complex business environments
Visibility leads to transparency, resulting in improved grip.
Companies have more data than ever, and yet seem to struggle to present a uniform, undisputed view of the truth.
Innovation is vital to automatically extracting, consolidating, and visualizing the different data sources into a dashboard that is understandable for business.
However, it would be a mistake to think that a new system alone will do the trick. The right mindset, processes, and people, together with the ability to truly understand the business are equally essential.
Collaboration is paramount to providing accurate financial views. There is no time for manual consolidations or reconciliations, the Finance teams must have full transparency at all times.
Processes and systems must be streamlined and automated so Finance can present a dashboard to the business that maximizes grip.
Business leaders expect the CFO and the finance team to provide accurate, timely insights. Complete visibility on actuals versus forecast and budget, but also an assessment of how increasing energy costs will impact production costs and future revenue streams.
New developments require new reports and analysis, putting relentless pressure on the finance team. Rapidly changing market conditions have catapulted the finance team into the forefront of business.
NX Partners helps its clients to shorten their forecasting and budgeting cycles, resulting in improved decision support.
Working with Jedox, I can review and analyze results with the different subsidiaries and, as a group CEO, steer and make informed decisions with full transparency. I would never want to return to how we worked before implementing Jedox.